Sunday, August 16, 2009

Authors' Game

Growing up, we had a card game called "Authors." We didn't know it was good for us, so we played it. The idea is the same as "Go Fish," but instead of collecting Fish, you collect the works of an author. The deck was made up of books by famous authors: four for each author. So, for Mark Twain there might be Tom Sawyer, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Innocents Abroad, and The Prince and the Pauper. The card shows the author's name for quick reference. The first person to collect four of the authors' best known works wins the game.

Lately, not having the cards or the people to play with, I've come up with my own "Author's Game." It's hardly new, but it's fun all the same. I've been reading about the lives and times of some of my favorite authors. It's pretty amazing. I recommend it.

Why a Book?

There's a reason the book was invented. It's the easiest way to organize a body of thoughts in an easily disseminated manner. Every part of it has been designed in the workshop of necessity: the page numbering, the stout binding, the durable cover, the typset, the margins, the length.

This summer I've over-indulged on the Postmodern twins of the TV set and the Internet. And now, like a child sick on sweets, I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth into the substance of a book.

Author Watch

These are a few of the authors whose work I look forward to exploring:

Abraham Lincoln
Brother Andrew
Charles Dickens
Corrie Ten Boom
C.S. Lewis
David Noebel
Elie Wiesel
Emily Dickinson
Flannery O'Connor
Francis Schaeffer
George McDonald
George Washington
G.K. Chesterton
Jesus Christ
Louisa May Alcott
Mark Twain
Martin Luther
Marvin Olasky
Rob Bell
Stephen Crane
William F. Buckley

Welcome, Earthling

Another blog, you ask?

Well, yes. Pensible is a combination of the words "pen," "sensible," and "pensive." It will be a pensive search for the sensible in the jungle of the written word. You come, too!